Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Expel from my mind all sinful fear and shame,
so that with firmness and courage I may
confess the Redeemer before me,
go forth with Him bearing His reproach,
be zealous with his knowledge,
be filled with his wisdom
walk with his circumspection,
ask counsel of him in all things,
repair to the Scriptures for his orders,
stay my mind on his peace,
knowing that nothing can befall me
without his permission, appointment
and administration.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Divine Promises

Thou hast given me to read my pardon
in the wounds of Jesus,
and my soul doth trust in him, my God incarnate,
the ground of my life, the spring of my hope.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


O how desirable, how profitable to the Christian life
is a spirit of holy watchfulness
and a godly jealousy over myself,
when my soul is afraid of nothing
except grieving and offending thee,
the blessed God, my Father and friend,
whom I love and long to please,
rather than be happy in myself.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Evening Renewal

Every morning I vow to love thee more fervently,
to serve thee more sincerely,
to be more devoted in my life,
to be wholly thine;

Yet I soon stumble, backslide,
and have to confess my weakness, misery and sin.

But I bless thee that the finished work of Jesus
needs no addition from my doings,
that his oblation is satisfaction
for my sins.

If future days be mine, help me to amend this life,
to hate and abhor evil,
to flee the sins I confess.